Wednesday, November 2, 2011

PB Poinsettia Pillow Knock-Off

My mom and I recently took a trip to Pottery Barn to check out all the new Christmas decorations. There were so many things I loved, but what I didn't love were the prices!

I thought this pillow in particular was darling! It's pretty simple, but oh so cute!

Their version is small (12x12) and costs $29. I wanted mine to be a bit bigger (20x20) and knew I could make it for much less!

Sewing the Pillow Cover
I started with one of my favorite fabrics (a painting drop cloth from Home Depot) and cut it to size for my pillow.

I made this pillow an envelope cover so I could easily slip it off to store it the rest of the year. Using the finished edge I cut the drop cloth to 19" wide. By making the cover an inch smaller than the finished pillow size it will ensure a nice snug fit!

Once the width was cut, I wrapped the fabric around the pillow so I could mark where to cut the length. For an envelope cover you want there to be plenty of fabric overlap to cover the pillow on the back side.

Now is a good time to mark with pins where the top and bottom of the pillow is so you can center the poinsettia on the front.

Then cut off the excess fabric and finish off the cut edge by folding it over twice and stitching it down.

I didn't sew the pillow closed until I had applied the poinsettia to the front.

Making the Poinsettia
I started by making a few poinsettia petal templates, but you could easily freehand these if you want. I cut three different sizes (but two versions of each size) so they didn't all look the same.
Then cut out 5 of each size (for 15 petals total) on cream felt. I used the 8x11 felt sheets you can find at any craft store or you could buy felt by the yard.

Next, fold each petal in half and sew down the middle, stopping about an inch or so before the end.

This seam gives the petal some depth.

Starting with the largest petals, position them in the center of the pillow and pin down.

Repeat with the medium petals. 

And the small.

When everything is pinned, sew a small circle in the middle to tack the petals down in place.

Cut a felt circle and make sure it will cover your stitches.

Then cover the circle with jingle bells. I started with the large ones and then filled in the spaces with the smaller bells. 

When it's completely covered tack it down.

 The last step on the poinsetta is to add the detail stitching (which also helps to tack the petals to the pillow). I used embroidery floss and hand stitched down each petal starting with the largest and working my way to the smallest on top.

Once the flower is complete you can finally sew up the sides of the cover. Start by folding up the bottom...

And then overlap it with the top, pin, and sew each side closed. Turn inside out and stuff with the pillow!

Here's the finished product! 

I was able to make 2 of these pillows for under $15! On the second one I made the petals a little wider and used tan embroidery thread. It looks even more like the inspiration!

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  1. Wow, I am so impressed!!!! I wish I knew something about sewing. I'm actually considering taking a class so I can eventually make something like this. Amazing, amazing job!

  2. They look great! You always make things look so easy! :o)

  3. They turned out very cute!! Great job!! I might have to try these :)

  4. How lovely they look. Excellent job. Kathi

  5. Amazing job :)
    and do not miss..




    It is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  6. Wow- those pillows are SO cute! I like them even better than the PB version. Great work!

  7. These pillows are wonderful!!! They totally look better than the PB ones. Love them!

  8. So beautiful! I love these! Thanks for the great tutorial. Visiting from DIYHSHP

  9. Wow, this is so cute. I really love it. I found you via Not JUST a Housewife.

  10. Girl you nailed it!! It looks just the pottery barn one!! Amazing!! Great work!
    Thanks for linking up to Show & Share!

  11. So you have completely read my mind! I just put that pillow on my to do list and I would absolutely love for you to come over to my blog to be featured for a tutorial! Love how these turned out!!

    Please email me (ashlie) at truliescrumptious(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. What a fantastic job thank you I could never have made this without your tutorial Bravo!!!!!!!! k. Sunday

  13. I just love your pillows and the fact that you made them so that they could be changed out after the holidays. Thanks for sharing this tutorial. :-)
