I was a little late this year (and worn out from black friday shopping) so I didn't get our holiday decorations finished up until yesterday. I still have a few projects on my list and we need to hang the lights outside, but we're getting there! Installing the new appliances (and all the little hang ups that go along with them) have been taking all our free time!
This is our china cabinet when you first walk in our front room. The candle holders and feather tree are both from Pier One (bought during their after Christmas sale). The "Let It Snow" came from a great local craft fair my mom and I attend every year.
Here is our tree with a new star from Home Depot.
Our console table is covered with some of my favorite ornaments and the scentsy warmer I transformed here.
I LOVE these mosaic mirror candles I bought at Pier One several years ago... they were still pretty pricey at 75% off after Christmas, but well worth the money! I filled the tray with small ornaments and jingle bells.
My Grandma made our stockings (I've had mine since I was little and Eric got his last year when we got married). The stocking hangers are also from Pier One.
Eric has a little Christmas tree down in the pool room.
I'm hoping to finish up a few more touches tonight and I'll post more soon!