Monday, August 1, 2011

Making Over Our Master Bedroom…

When I first started following craft blogs and saw the amazing furniture transformations I knew the first room I would tackle. For the past few years we have had this furniture from Ikea:

For the price, it’s great, and it’s certainly functional, but once I saw the magic of paint I couldn’t wait to get new furniture. In fact I was so enthusiastic I filled up our garage with new pieces I was going to make over!

I found a dresser and matching night stands on craigslist. The guy was moving and just wanted to get rid of them so I got all three pieces for $35. They were in decent shape, the tracks needed a little work and the old oak look definitely needed to go.

This was before my blogging days so I don’t have many “before” pictures, but they originally looked like this:

My husband filled the old hardware holes before I primed and painted. Since I wasn’t sure what colors I was going to incorporate into the room I went with classic white. This is how they look now:

Fresh paint and some new drawer pulls from OSH and they look completely different!

See those lamps on top of the night stands? They were also thrifty finds that were made over with spray paint. The lamps were originally brown and blue, but with a little primer and paint, they now match perfectly! I even found the perfect pair of canvas lamp shades to go with them. I’m planning on DIYing the lamp shades a little more, but haven’t gotten to that project yet. More to come…


  1. You are one talented woman. I don't think there is anything you can't do!

  2. the dresser and nightstand look amazing! they were kinda 80's looking french before and now they are glamorous!

  3. BEAUTIES!! I always LOVE "classic white..." be still my heart!!

    Deborah (happily visiting from

    Hope you drop by!
